
4 important aspects related to composite bonding procedure you should know

Composite binding is a much popular dentistry treatment in the UK these days. An increasing number of requests for this particular treatment pour in from patients across the practices. Two best things about this procedure are it has an affordable cost and provides results instantly without any turnaround time. The procedure proves effective correcting a number of dental cosmetic issues. These issues range from chipped tooth to stained or discoloured teeth. 

Composite bonding is one of the best ways to enhance your smile and unlike other procedures in cosmetic dentistry this one is not invasive. In spite of not being invasive yet it yields stunning results. On the whole this is an easy treatment to opt for but there are certain things that you should keep in the mind at the same time suggests a dentist who provides affordable and cheap composite bonding treatment in London over the years. These factors help extending the life of your composite bonding to a considerable extent. These factors are actually aftercare guide that ensure you enjoy greater value of your money from the treatment in the long run. What are these aftercare tips? Let us find that out in the following sections of this post. But first let us understand the basics of this procedure, as it will help us grasp those tips better.  

Composite bonding – the basics of the procedure

Composite bonding is a procedure that smoothens the surface of your teeth making them appear more appealing. As a result the procedure leads you to a brighter and more attractive smile. The procedure by and large is completely non invasive in nature. It involves applying a resin material around the natural tooth. This resin material comes in the colour of the tooth so that your composite bonded tooth or teeth do not distinctly standout from the rest of the natural teeth in the mouth. Once the tooth coloured resin material is carefully applied to the tooth surface it is chiselled to desired shape to enhance the aesthetics. 

Issues that composite bonding procedure can fix

Composite bonding procedure is widely used to enhance aesthetics of the teeth. But it can also sort out few other issues that are related to one’s oral health. Therefore it is perfect to say that the procedure fixes dental aesthetic concerns along with providing a number of added bonuses! 

On the aspect of teeth aesthetics the procedure can sort out a number of issues like stained or discoloured teeth, cracked tooth, teeth having minor gaps and chipped teeth (also called jagged teeth).   

As far as the aspect of oral health is concerned, the procedure can 

  • Strengthen your weak tooth or teeth
  • Provides protection from tooth sensitivity that mainly results from receding gum tissues 

In addition to that this increasingly popular cosmetic dentistry procedure also proves effective boosting one’s self reliance by improving one’s smile.

If there is any major dental issue in that case dentists recommend those patients to correct those issues first and then get composite binding done to their teeth. 

About the procedure in brief

An initial customary consultation with the dentist is important for everyone before getting composite bonding done to the teeth. During this interaction you can clear out all your queries and doubts regarding the procedure, suggests a dentist renowned for providing state of the art treatment with composite bonding in London over the years. The expert also diagnoses your teeth and the mouth in that session to ascertain how eligible a candidate you are for it. If the dentist thinks he or she may recommend you alternative procedures that are more suitable for your teeth and that can help you achieve the goals your nurture in your mind better. 

Once your case is technically analysed and decided that composite bonding procedure is the right option for you the dentist will ask you to book an appointment for the treatment. In the preparatory stage the dentist cleans your teeth before applying the bonding material. Cleaning of the teeth surface ensures there is a fresh base for the expert to work on. Once the bonding material is applied to the tooth surface it is hardened faster using a special ultraviolet light. Once it gets hardened the resin material is chiselled into shape to cater to your exclusive wishes. This part of the procedure requires artistic flair of a dentist. Lastly the dentist makes sure that everything is okay and then your composite bonded tooth gets a polish to appear even.

Now let us shift to aftercare tips related to this cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Composite bonding and aftercare tips

Immediately following the treatment your dentist is likely to recommend few aftercare tips. It is your responsibility to understand each of the tips clearly and then carry it out as directed.

You should keep in mind that for the first few days following the procedure the composite material is still setting in its place. During this initial phase it is highly prone to pick up stains.  

Therefore you must stay away from certain foods and drinks during this period to avoid stains catching up with your composite bonded tooth. Moreover composite bonding may take a day or two to set properly on the teeth surface points out a dentist associated with a renowned practice that offers reasonable cost for composite bonding in London. So you must be little cautious and careful with your teeth for the first couple of days or so suggests the expert. 

Particularly avoid hard and sticky foods during the first few days following the treatment. Why? The reason is these food items usually cause the resin material to shift from its place. 

Consuming drinks like coffee and red wine must be avoided for the first few days after undergoing composite bonding. Consumption of tobacco must be stopped completely once you have your bonded tooth or teeth in place. These substances are more likely to stain your composite bonded tooth faster.

The tips that provide long term benefits to your composite bonded tooth include the following –

  • Do not neglect maintaining sound oral hygiene. Brush and floss the teeth properly every day. It is even better to rinse the mouth with antibacterial mouthwash once daily. 
  • Visit your dentist every six months.
  • Take every possible measure to protect your teeth from damage.

Smile Clinic London is one of the best places in London to undergo composite bonding of the tooth. The practice has a stunning track record. Currently it is offering lucrative deals on the treatment. Go for the teeth bonding london prices treatment now and get additional discounts. Hurry up, the offer is limited! 

Composite binding is a much popular dentistry treatment in the UK these days. An increasing number of requests for this particular treatment pour in from patients across the practices. Two best things about this procedure are it has an affordable cost and provides results instantly without any turnaround time. The procedure proves effective correcting a…